This page will be a clearinghouse for all changes to DSD, minor or major. Meaning, from now on all players should make a habit of checking this page regularly

It is my hope that keeping all information in one easy to find place will make things easier on the player and myself. The format will be dry and factual, similar to the patch notes of most games. Any questions regarding changes should go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as the only reputable source. The forum and in-game chat are not definitive and exist to facilitate conversation and feedback between players. Only confirmation from Cronie should be considered gospel.


  • 2011.11.11 - Digstraightdown is established as a website
  • 2011.11.12 - 6.5 years of hilarity, crazy hijinks and sexual tension ensues
  • 2018.05.12 - Upgrade to Adding endershulker permissions added. Players can now follow the instructions from the command block above /spawn to receive oermission for ender chests and shulker boxes
  • 2018.05.26 - Major changes to artworld as described here ... Major point: artworld is now creative mode and art should be free and plentiful.
  • 2018.06.06 - This page added. Entire future timeline of DSD changes. People all begin to read this page daily and no longer require prodding to read about important information that nearly always benefits them.
  • 2018.06.06 - Sand is now tradeable for cobblestone in the Cronie store at spawn. You can buy 8 sand for 64 cobblestone. Complaints about pricing levels of sand or any other Cronie store prices should be directed to our complaints department.
  • 2018.06.22 - Restart mechanism in spawn now requires only 2 players to operate, rather than 3
  • 2018.07.17 - 1.13 will be released soon. Just so everyone is clear, DSD IS NOT A MINECRAFT SERVER, WE ARE A SPIGOT SERVER. Sorry for caps, but it has to be answered every single patch. We have to wait for spigot to update which takes days and then we have to wait for individual plugins to update which takes longer. In short: Do not ask me when DSD will update to 1.13 because I do not know, I never know. As always, it will be available as soon as I feel it is safe and stable enough to upgrade. Yes, the map will expand. No, I haven't decided how much. Email me with any other questions